students using virtual reality in a classroom setting

XR in Education

Virtual and Augmented Reality in Structural Steel Education


Building Construction Tour

Technology: Virtual reality

Description: Take a virtual walk around a steel-framed building under construction. Narrated by the Engineer of Record, this tour follows the load path from the deck to the foundation and includes 360 degree views of the jobsite. The tour takes approximately 15 minutes.

Support / collaborators: This teaching aid was made in collaboration with the American Institute of Steel Construction.

Platform: YouTube VR and Oculus Go


steel framing with web openings circled

Building Plan Matching Game

Technology: Virtual reality

Description: Practice reading building plans on this 3 story steel frame. Several steel members are selected for identification through multiple choice with the building plans viewable in VR. Hints and fun facts are provided along the way.

Platform: Oculus Quest 2 and Quest 3

Access: We are working on publishing this application to the Oculus App Lab.

selection option in virtual reality

Bolted Steel Connection

Technology: Augmented / Mixed reality

Description: Identify the failure modes for a bolted angle connection and a bolted WT connection and pull the failed member apart. Verify which areas are used for calculating shear and tension capacities. Calculate the capacity for each failure mode and receive immediate feedback.

Platform: Microsoft HoloLens 2

Access: We are currently working on a way to distribute this teaching aid.

student using a mixed reality headset in a classroom with other students

Metal Building Tour

Technology: Virtual reality

Description: Tour a metal building and learn about the primary framing, secondary framing, roof, walls, and other elements. This teaching aid is currently under development.

Support / collaborators: This teaching aid is supported by the Metal Building Manufacturers Association.

Platform: Oculus Quest 2 and Quest 3

Access: We will determine how to best distribute the teaching aid upon completion.

virtual reality model of metal building